The wiggling on purpose was, in my opinion, not such a good move with this one. It was moderately funny at best, but it was more of a sequence of scenes than an animation, so it lacked movement... What I'm getting at here is that it would have been much better if it was animated frame by frame instead of just showing the pictures.
Yam! Bam! mon chat Splash
Git sur mon lit a bouffe
sa langue en buvant tout mon whisky
quant a moi peu dormi, vide, brime
J'ai du dormir dans la gouttiere
Ou j'ai eu un flash *
En quatre couleurs *"
Allez hop! un matin
Une louloute est venue chez-moi
Poupee de cellophane, cheveux chinois
un sparadrap, une gueule de bois
a bu ma biere dans un grand verre en caoutchouc
Comme un indien dans son igloo
Ca plane pour moi ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi moi moi moi moi
Ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi
Allez hop! la nana quel panard!
Quelle vibration!
de s'envoyer sur le paillasson
Limee, ruinee, videe, comblee
You are the King of the divan!
Qu'elle me dit en passant
I am the King of the divan
Ca plane pour moi ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi moi moi moi moi
Ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi
Allez hop! t'occupe t'inquiete
touche pas ma planete
It's not today
Quel le ciel me tombera sur la tete
et que la colle me manquera ****
Ca plane pour moi
Allez hop! ma nana s'est tiree
S'est barree enfin c'est marre a tout casse
L'evier, le bar me laissant seul
Comme un grand connard
Le pied dans le plat
Ca plane pour moi ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi moi moi moi moi
Ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi moi moi moi moi
That was such a pleasant surprise there, I completely did not see that coming! You had kinda cool animation in the beginning, but the ending was just amazing. And now I know all about my brain...
You picked a nice song, lol. The drawings were not half-bad, but it lacked animation really. It was good for a first, though! Also, it needs a replay button (tutorials are in abundance here at Newgrounds.)
Yeah, I'm trying to work on the longer animation thing more. Maybe I'll try a longer piece now. I have one in mind but wanted to try out this one Andrew Pants song because it was shorter and less intimidating for a first. I did learn a lot tho. First steps are a bitch.
The guy could go off the top of the screen, so you should've put an if(guy._y<0) statement in there somewhere. Also, you left out the left and right code for those who don't know how to, or at least explained how it would be similar to the up and down codes. Still, it was kind of cool and now I know how to add the momentum in water environments, so great job with that!
It had a good message and all that, and I love how you did the camera angles and the blurs. But the animation needs a lot of work, and the soldiers didn't look that great. Still, it was nice to watch.
It was a nice interpretation of this historical event. You know, with Pokemon. One thing: increase you framerate! Some parts were very, very slow, making this annoying to watch at times. Other than that, it was really cool.
yeah, it lagged on my system. i noticed that it was gonna lag like hell, so i tried. it was running at 30 fps without the lag, so i would just turn down the settings to low to watch. i have to many effects going.
That would be really cool to be at the end of the animations here. I really like what you did with this, and the sound effects were awesome. Just try to get the animation of the tank turning a little smoother though...